Not Less Than Everything by August Turak - AUDIOBOOK COMING SOON!!!

Our Foundation

AUGUST TURAK FOUNDATION (previously SELF KNOWLEDGE SYMPOSIUM FOUNDATION) is a spiritual and educational nonprofit founded by August Turak in 1999. Our foundation was formed in order to instruct the public on subjects useful to all individuals well-being and beneficial to the community and organizations on a global level.

The August Turak Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for spiritual and educational purposes. Our educational purposes are to serve others by encouraging people to discover methods and techniques for examining their lives, thereby creating a space in which they can form personal strategies for pursuing more meaningful and joyful lives.

The aim of all August Turak Foundation activities and efforts is to improve the quality of life for people, communities, and organizations through the pursuit of self-knowledge, by introducing them to the power of service and selflessness. The primary methodology for carrying out August Turak Foundation's educational purpose is through writing, seminars, lectures, speaking engagements, keynotes, workshops, retreats, and other similar programs.


August Turak established the Self Knowledge Symposium (SKS) Student Group in 1989 to help students “learn how to live a life of meaning and purpose.” From North Carolina State University to Duke University, to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the SKS spread like wildfire.

 In 1999, the SKS incorporated the Self Knowledge Symposium Foundation (SKSF) as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization and has successfully served in spreading this message of services and selflessness since our inception with constant support and direction from our Founder and our Board of Directors.

 In 2023, the Board of Directors determined it was due time to honor our esteemed founder and convinced Turak to change the name of our beloved nonprofit to the more befitting, August Turak Foundation as we head into our twenty fifth year of service.



The August Turak Foundation is currently operated on donations and honorariums. Over the years, August Turak continues to fund the foundation, and any remuneration he receives from his writing, speaking engagements, consulting, or personal coaching are donated back to our foundation to underwrite our ongoing efforts. His books and the rights to his award-winning essay have been transferred to the August Turak Foundation and all royalties are and will continue to be reinvested into our future efforts to spread our message of higher meaning and purpose to a world bereft of meaning and purpose.

Please consider making your tax deductible donation today! 



No part of the August Turak Foundation's net earnings will inure to the benefit of private shareholders or individuals. The August Turak Foundation will not be organized or operate for the benefit of private interest, and will not, as a substantial part of its activities, attempt to influence legislation or participate to any extent in a political campaign or against any candidate of public office.

August Turak Foundation does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, religious affiliation, or physical ability.